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Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Berlin - May 2016 Day 2

 During our second day in Berlin we left the city and went to Sachsenhausen concentration camp. When we got to the camp we got handsets that would tell you about all the individual parts of the camp along with a map of the camp. When you first go into the camp their is a small wood full of memorials and graves for all the people killed at the camp which was beautiful and quite, the fact that it was surrounded by the trees really added to it and made it more secluded. This also created contrast from the camp it's self which was very open, to get into the camp you walk through the original gate from when the camp was in use which seamed very surreal. The camp is now very open with only a few buildings remaining of the original barracks that were there and lived in but instead in place of them are stones in the shape of the them; which is the Jewish way of memorial instead of flowers which was a thoughtful touch. Although this camp in particular was for political prisoners it did house a variety of prisoners accused of different crimes. Although there were still a few barracks which we could go into; in the barracks there were still the original toilets and wash basins that were used along with information and stories of people who were in the camp in other rooms which would of been use for sleeping in. We could also go to the execution ranges that were used at the camp which surprisingly wasn't the most disturbing thing in the camp, the part of the camp that effected me the most were the medical barracks: in these rooms people were tested on with diseases, they were also experimented on by other imitates along with body stores below them. The rooms were just cold and ere especially the medical rooms that were still the same from when they were used. But despite all the horrible things in the camp that reminded us of the atrocities that happened here there were also beautiful memorial that were built through out the camp after it was liberated including two status and stain glass window in a museum on the site. The camp also has a building full of belonging of the inmates such as cards made for female inmates and cutlery made by inmates. But overall visiting the camp was an eye opening and education experience that I recommend doing if your in the Berlin area.

After going to the concentration camp we went to Potsdam and to the site of the Potsdam conference; which was held at Cecilienof: the old home of the German Royal family as Berlin was too dangerous in 1945 when the conference was held. We has a tour through out the building which told us all about the conference, the German royal family and other pieces of information you wouldn't get from a text book. The building was very beautiful but photography wasn't aloud so I'm not able to show you but it was very beautiful and something I recommend seeing. After the tour we walked around the garden was also very beautiful and as photography was aloud I can show you. 

After Potsdam we then went back to the hotel for dinner after which we headed back out into Berlin where we went to a few gift shops and of course starbucks. Then we headed to the television tower or the Berliner Fernsehturm which is 368 meters tall and is the second tallest structure in Europe. To get to the top you go up a lift,(as that would be a lot of stairs)when you get to the top the whole way around there are windows so you can see the whole of Berlin which is amazing although I wouldn't recommend if your afraid of heights! It also has a bar at the top so it is quite popular with people who live in Berlin ans not just tourists. The television tower also has a gift shop at the bottom to buy souvenirs so you can remember the amazing experiences.

After going to the television tower we went back to the hotel, which was the end of day two. 

Lots of Love 

don't forget to follow me on Instagram @aimarie23 
and twitter @storeraimee 

1 comment:

  1. Your trip looked so amazing !!! I would love to go!!! xxxx
