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Friday, 26 February 2016

la praire caviar foundation review

Recently a lot of people have been starting to review more expensive makeup products and the higher end makeup circle; something that hadn't been touched on before, but I have actually been using la praire products for a quite a while, long enough to know my true opinion of it, and if it's worth the high price tag. I know that £146 for a foundation is quite steep in a lot of peoples eyes and if probably a bit painful to your bank account but it's not just a foundation as it claims to; "enhances application and long wear help support skin’s firmness and elasticity as well as having natural-looking coverage of under eye darkness and flaws". I will say that it does have a long wear time and natural looking coverage of imperfections and under eye circles although I will say I can't really talk about firmness and elasticity as I'm still quite young and my skin is naturally quite firm. On the website it describes the foundation as: "Instant, natural-looking perfection floats onto your face with this dewy foundation and an exquisitely matched concealer. Skin Caviar Concealer • Foundation SPF 15 is a luxurious cream emulsion that offers full natural-looking coverage. The concealer camouflages under-eye darkness and deeper flaws. Both formulas support firming with legendary caviar extracts. A brilliant fusion of science and cosmetic artistry, Skin Caviar Concealer • Foundation SPF 15 is the foundation of perfection."

When using the foundation although being reasonable light it is still heavier than some others and maybe doesn't feel like it's floating on to the skin but it does have more coverage than most "natural" foundations while still look reasonable natural but just like you have perfect skin; because of this I tend to use it when I want to look nicer and more put together and not on a daily basis. When I do use it feels very luxurious which I think is part of the experience of getting ready for an event or something special one of the reasons to me high end makeup is so sort after.  The concealer that comes with the foundation if still natural but a bit heavier than the foundation and does cover any imperfections that I have and makes my skin look fresh and clear but not like I'm caked on with makeup. When photographing the foundation I think it does photography well looking light and fresh and despite the spf in the foundation it doesn't flash back, the spf in the foundation also makes it better for summer day or  summer events and it means you don't have to put on sun cream underneath making your skin again look better although the spf isn't too high so I wouldn't recommend it for hotter countries but for England it's just fine also because of the long wear time it would be perfect for a daytime event (like the races) where you would want your makeup to stay all day but will still be outside.

So overall I would say that the foundations is worth the money if you can afford it and maybe saving up for it would make the product that little bit more special but I wouldn't recommend that you should go out of your way if it's something you can't afford as for a foundation it is very expensive.

Lots of Love

don't forget to follow me on instagram @aimarie23
and twitter @storeraimee 

If you would like to buy the foundation you can get it on the La Praire website

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