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Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Manydown Bus Cafe

my brie and bacon panini
In sorry I haven't uploaded in a while due to being very busy in the new year but since it's half term and my work load has reduced just a bit I have a little more time to do things more blog worthy and have time to write about it.

the milk jug
Today me and my mum went on a little brunch date with a difference; on a bus! Quite close to wear I live is a family farm and instead of a regular café they have a vintage bus! It is very unique and cute and defiantly adds a memorable experience to a family day out; although I will say the food isn't amazing you do have to remember it's being cooked in a bus and not an actual café so it is still up to scratch, if your interested in visiting the bus café I'll leave a link to their Facebook page with my other regular links down below.  

Hope you enjoyed todays post!

Lots of Love

don't forget to follow me on instagram- @aimarie23
 and twitter- @storeraimee 
the Many down bus café- website
and their facebook page

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